Living the Life of an Artist
Walking and Stirring the Creative Fire
I am on my second week of daily walking. I used to walk all the time when I lived on the Seacoast and found it emptied my mind of things bothering me and filled me with inspiration and creativity. I wrote most my poetry as I was walking. Words would pour from my soul. I always carried a notebook and wrote as I walked… and some of it was pretty darn good!
Now when I walk, my mind is blank. Oh, I might stop to take a photograph or two, but mostly I feel brain numb or I am thinking about getting back so I can work. I wouldn’t mind that train of thought if I was coming up with ideas. Then when I do get back, I find it difficult to get into work mode. My thoughts are scattered.
Hopefully, as I continue my walk routine, the old creative juices will stir. Nature usually does that for me. Wait, I am walking along the road. Maybe I need to find some wooded trails. Not that the traffic distracts me on this back road and it’s nice to have people wave or to be able to speak with others, but maybe it’s not solitary enough. Somehow I don’t think that last statement is totally true.
So, what is it? Perhaps it’s just buckling down… that’s a term that I use a lot for myself, “buckle down.” I do tend to be pulled in different directions, but that’s what comes from having too many interests. At least I can say I like what I do... and even when I do nothing, I like that, too, ha ha.