Sunday, July 05, 2009

Today I am once more thinking about my art work, photography, and what gets me stuck. I want to do it all myself right down to the finish work of mounting, matting, and framing. I have questions in my mind and haven’t the courage to ask strangers for advice.

This last week I was accepted as a juried member by the Hillsboro Area Artisans and it is imperative that my work be “professional.” The exhibit at the library came down and in looking at the backing on the frames, I am not pleased with the work I did… and I’m not sure how to correct it.

Where do I go from here? Who do I ask? At the moment, I do not know any of my fellow artisans to approach them. After all, I am supposed to be professional. Shouldn’t I already know how to do this stuff?

At one point, I considered just doing the finish work cheaply. However, I realized that my original art would be seen as cheap, too. At this stage in my life work, I have to move forward and really be the professional that my years of experience dictate.

Ideally, I’d like to get into conversations about foam board, backing, glues, and mats. I’d like to visit a framing place and have someone show me what is done. I also figure that the more I talk about what I want, the more likely someone will come along who can help me with my dilemmas.

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