Friday, March 24, 2006

In this time, this moment
I ooze possibility
Oh, Spirit
Let me manifest
these desires
Let my hands
mold the ideas like clay
Let the form be created
as passion flows
like a roaring river
In this time, this moment
I ooze possibilty
Oh, Spirit
Let me fill
to the brim
til the floodgates crash open
and words tumble
over eachother
in their hurry
to get to the page
Let the ink in my pen
run as smooth as my thoughts
In this time, this moment
I ooze possiblity
Oh, Spirit
Let no excuse surface
to dam these gushing waters
Let my entire being cascade
with the joy of creativity
Oh, Spirit
Let me remain open
til the last drop
is wrung
from my soul.
---S.Wolfe '06
With what would you flow?
How do you feel your creative juices?
Tell us what you would mold in your hands?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Sometimes it is important to look back on our younger years. Talk about these questions as you will, share what ever you wish.
  • What was your mother's name? What did she do?
  • Who was your father and what did he do?
  • Tell us about your siblings.
  • What about other key relatives in your early years?
  • Talk about a couple of events that stand out in your childhood.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

We are all artists, are we not, in one way or another? I am definitely a jack of all trades. This is one of the paintings that I have done on slate. It is an image of getting together to share stories of the heart. Let's talk about art...

Art... my earliest remembrances are of Gail and I making our own paper dolls and the clothing to dress them in. I also remember my mother spending hours coloring with us. I learned early on to color carefully and stay in the lines.

My next artful memories are of elementary school where I would draw pictures from anatomy books and science books...can't remember why...

Then there were the junior and high school years where I took art classes. Of course, I was NEVER as good as everyone else. It made me realize, though, that it was important for me to find my own style and that I wasn't happy doing it like everyone else.

In my senior year (taken a year after my first son was born because I dropped out to have him and then returned,) I took a creative writing class. This is when I first got the real inkling that I could do any sort of writing. Later, after the first divorce, I took night courses in creative writing at Northern Essex, which got me into journalling. (I look back on those journals now and they are full of unhappiness and how I wished I was dead.)

Later, I discovered poetry was a wonderful tool to unburden my soul. My mother was very disappointed. She wanted me to be a "REAL" artist and found my poetry sad and didn't like it because it didn't rhyme. I disagreed. I felt so good after I wrote a poem. It was a tremendous release, an unbaring of the soul. Sometimes, the written word helped me to unravel some of the chaos that banged around inside my head.

What I love about free style poetry is that is doesn't matter if it doesn't rhyme or is not metered. Punctuation and grammar do not matter, nor does spelling. For me, it's about an outpouring of the soul. Put pen to the paper and let the poems write themselves. Yes! They will say when they are done and THEN you can go back and edit.

Of course, I dabbled in other arts. I still paint once in a while, I've made some jewelry, knitted scarves, and I play around with photography. I also play Native American flute which I absolutely love... oh, and I drum.

I don't have to be perfect. If I had to be, I'd never do anything, would I. Would you?

Talk to me about your art(s.) What makes you feel most alive.

Ticks? Ihate ticks! I used to spend a lot of time walking the trails of Odiorne or the Urban Forestry Center, but ticks are just so gross. I stay out of the woods now and that is sad.

Tick, tick, tick... the clock is ticking, my heart is beating... time passes and there is much that I would do. Life is one big adventure story and I love to explore. There is a burning desire inside me to share these stories and not just MY stories, but I want to hear your stories also.

Life isn't only about the physical escapades we go on, but the journeys within, too, and how those experiences shape the way we think. What you tell me may set me off on another lark and what I say may send you somewhere else. I find it interesting to delve fully into these experiences.

Eric A often uses the phrase "so exciting" to describe some menial work task, but for me, life itself is exciting... the bad times along with the good. I even look at how his irritating wording can send me on a trip into discovering why certain attitudes and situations set me off.

Oh yes, life is an adventure ride, that emotional roller coaster that is hair-raising and heart stopping. As much as I want to believe I can be calm, cool, and collected, I know I am not. I think everyone has seen me at my most... unfriendly moments... yet, many have also been around me when I am warm and loving. Do I have an answer as to why I am so up and down? No, because I change, can change, from moment to moment.

Tick,tick, tick... time is running out as it does for all of us eventually. Does it matter if I have not reached my goals? Does it matter if I am not successful? What do those words mean anyway?

Oh, there are so many things I want to do and so many excuses for not doing them. How do I choose just one in any given moment? (Well, I usually do, as most of you know, the one chosen is almost always writing.)

So what makes me tick? Doing this type of stuff, of course. "I write to live, live to write." But it's not as much fun to do it alone. Iwant to know things. I want to know if I am affected by such and such, how are you affected by it? What do you feel, when I am feeling so? I want to talk about this stuff. It gives me a more all around view, than just my own little narrowness (yeah, like I am narrow, ha ha.)

And so, my friends, who would write and explore...