Sunday, May 24, 2009


My goal for this year is to promote my art work and this week I am working on photography. I have taken thousands of pictures and many of them are very good. I’ve sold a few note cards but I want to do more.

I printed some 5x7s and mounted and matted them as 8x10s and some of the barn photos are in frames and showing in the local library. Friends keep telling me that I should set up at fairs and shows. There’s a part of me that can see myself doing this but there’s a part that seems to find excuses not to get it done.

I am easily distracted and have many questions. I know what I like, but would other people? For the past few years, I’ve traveled to area events and looked at other peoples’ work. Yes, my photographs are just as good, so what holds me back?

It’s the “finished” product. What to do with the pictures and how to do it are roadblocks. I get “stuck” on some of the stupidest things… that self sabotage… and cannot seem to get beyond them.

For instance, there are many adhesives, tapes, and dots to aid in the mounting and matting and I haven’t found the one to be most comfortable in using. Personal preferences can also be a hindrance as what I like isn’t always what most others use. I like matte paper and with digital want to print my own projects but then a comment is made that photos need to be printed professionally or on a certain kind of printer. Some want glossy photos. Arrghh!

I would be very interested to hear other photographers and artists talk about their work and how they “do it.” Maybe this ties in to the actually setting up and selling--- talking to people, promoting the work--- even on-line, I would have to approach someone.

In the end, I know it’s all about being comfortable in my work. I am passionate about the photography and want to share the joys that are found in patterns, textures, colors, light, shadow, and lines. I know, too, I just have to shut up and do it. And I am.

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