Friday, January 30, 2009

Seven a.m. and the sky is a brilliant pink with an orchid colored background; absolutely gorgeous! I love this time of day before sunrise when the colors of dawn are awakening the day.

There was a knocking on the door 7 o'clock last night. It was Fed-X. My framing kits arrived. Yea! I can finally get my drawings finished and hung on the walls. Hey, I may even be able to sell two or three... or four or... Oh, I've had such an issue with this phase of my work, but I am determined that this year I shall get the pieces I like the best framed. I am so excited.
But playing with the kits will have to wait til after Tai Chi class. I hope I got the sizes right... but if not, I can always do a drawing to fit.
Wish me luck.

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