Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's raining and the snow is melting. The distant trees are shrouded in fog and creep into my senses like an eerie apparition. This is just a tease before another cold front steps in. Yesterday I went outside in my barefeet to feed the birds. I've a lot to do today so have to keep a close watch on the time. Have to be out of the house by 8:15; chiropractor, then shopping. I don't like shopping.
The crows are hollering. I have nothing to give them this morning. They are funny. I love how they look so regal and will sit side by side in the tree and kiss each other.
I've been playing around with Facebook. Not quite sure what's going on with it. I did manage to talk to my granddaughter in Wichita Kansas and wish her a happy birthday. Facebook kind of seems like a kid thing, but I do see that there are older people, too. Well, if nothing, I can be in contact with my Kansas Kids. Yea!
Working on snowmobile stuff. I'm not much into riding, but I do enjoy the meetings and taking notes. I am also now doing the club newsletter and will write articles for the state rag, Sno-Traveler. It's an interesting experience because they talk about trails and I have no idea where those trails are, they mention people I've not met, and go on about equipment using terms with which I am unfamiliar. Still, I like it and my writing skills are something that I can offer, such as they are.
I've not been able to accomplish much these past mornings. The hours are too few and once I go downstairs and Ma is up, I cannot seem to get my butt back up here to work. It's like I have this idea in my head that I cannot do any work after noon time and will try to schedule everything for morning--- classes, appointments, shopping--- plus I try to fit in my writing and art work.
Hmmm, I sense an issue here... or is it just laziness. I don't like the term "lazy." My mother called me that all time while I was growing up. Am I REALLY lazy or do I simply choose what I want to do? I choose to write over cleaning house. I choose to sit and play games with her over cleaning house. Well, I could go on saying many things I choose to do over cleaning. Yet, I do get things clean from time to time.
I have to write, there's no doubt about that, just like I periodically have to pick up paint brushes or charcoal sticks. I will sit and play games with Ma because there isn't anything else she'd rather do--- except lie in bed. I put together meals. I do dishes and clean the counters. Gosh, I don't know what I'd do if I had a REAL job and had to leave the house every day.
I am very lucky and say my gratitude prayers every day. I like my life. Oh, there are other things that I'd like to do... and I could do them if I so chose. Right now, however, my goals are to get the LSSC writings organized and saved off the hard drive. I want to keep up with this blog and work a little more with the Facebook (if I can figure out what it really is worth.) Plus, I need to better design my website and links to be more user friendly. I just had it re-done and I think it is too wordy. I need to do something with all my photographs. AND I have to figure out how to pull this together to bring in some income.
My goal is to share what I do and who I am; to open up conversation and dialogue with others who share similar interests. I believe that if I keep working towards this goal and talking about it, it will happen.

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